
All You Would Want to Know About Calcaneal Spur

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All You Would Want to Know About Calcaneal Spur
Orthofit Calcaneal spur, in simple language, is a bony outgrowth from the heel bone. When a foot is exposed to constant stress, calcium deposits build up on the bottom of the heel bone. They are typically detected by x-ray examination.
Calcaneal spur
Calcaneal spur
Spur occurs when the pressure falling over the fascia increases which in turn causes pain & inflammation of the fascia known as Plantar fasciitis.
Plantar Fascia
Plantar Fascia
WHAT CAUSES IT?  ? Stretching of plantar fascia ?Walking gait abnormalities ? Running or jogging, especially on hard surfaces ? Excess weight and obesity ? Tight leg muscles ? Poorly fitted or badly worn shoes ?Increasing age, which decreases plantar fascia flexibility ?Having either flat feet or high arches HOW TO TREAT IT?  -Local ice application and anti- inflammatory medications are temporary reliefs -Right shoes -Customized insoles -Exercise For more details contact Orthofit @ 022 2367 1674 or visit www.orthofit.in

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