Written by Dr.Jagruti Parghi
Diabetes mellitus (DM), commonly referred to as diabetes, is a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood.
Check your blood sugars regularly
If you’re managing diabetes, you may encounter several problems with respect to your legs and feet, two of the most common complication occurring in DM. Diabetes puts you at a higher risk for calluses, corns, blisters, and ulcers- and due to high blood sugar level, the seminor injuries can be an alarming gateway for potentially disabling injections.
Neuropathy is the cause of the dry skin experienced by many of those with diabetes:
The affected nerves in your feet can’t receive the brain’s message to sweat.
Dry feet crack easily, which makes it possible for germs to enter the body.
Nerve ending damage can also cause changes to the shape of your feet, which can make previously comfortable shoes hard to walk in. That friction creates calluses and bunions that can wear down and expose skin to germs.
In addition, diabetes also causes the blood vessels to shrink and harden, which can make it hard for your feet to fight infection.
To help manage these symptoms,following are a few precautionary measures taken in order to prevent further damage and protect the diabetic foot:-
· Inspect your feet every day for cracks, wounds, and sore
· Don’t use your feet to testhot water before bathing· Support your feet with diabetes friendly footwear and socks· Don’t go barefoot, whether you’re inside or outside· Keep your feet dry in order reduce the risk for infection· Seek a Podiatrist regularly to treat foot problems · Stabilize and Relieve feet with orthotic shoes· Go easy on your feet with low impact exercises· Quit smoking to improve circulation in your feet· Control your blood sugar level to avoid Diabetic Neuropathy
· Check in with your care team for more help
For more details call 1800 22 1674 or Email doctor@orthofit.in or visit https://orthofit.in/therapeutic-diabetic-foot-care/