
How Can My Feet Be Corn Free?

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How Can My Feet Be Corn Free?
Written by Dr.Snehal Nijapkar Can Corns just go away by themselves? In most cases corns are not a serious health issue, although they can be very painful, but if you are healthy and remove the cause of the corn, it might go away on its own. Corns should disappear within a month of replacing your footwear and addressing the cause, but if they still persist then you should better consult a podiatrist for a professional diagnosis. What are the treatment options for Corns? ·        Prevention: It usually comes down to wearing the right kind of footwear. o   Measure your foot and wear the right size shoes: Get your feet measured (length and width) and buy your shoes accordingly. Shopping for shoes at the end of the day when your feet are most swollen will help you pick an appropriate shoe size. Make sure there’s about a half inch space between your longest toe and the frontal shoe wall to avoid rubbing of toes.
Measure your foot size
Measure your foot size
o   Wear the right socks:Wearing comfortable socks can sometimes be just as important as the shoes you’re wearing. If you suffer from recurring corns, try wearing socks with more padding.
o  Limit how much you wear high heels: It is best to limit your time spent in high heels, as this causes more stress on your feet especially in women.
·        If you are overweight, losing excess weight will reduce some amount of pressure on the corns. ·        Using a pumice stone regularly and moisturizing your feet can prevent the development of corns / calluses. Products containing salicylic acid can help to breakdown thickened dead skin, but usually not recommended for diabetics or someone with poor circulation issue.
·        Shoe inserts like corrective insoles (To relieve pressure for long-term relief), toe separators or caps can keep corns from forming.
·        Never use a file, razor, shaver or grinder to remove a corn yourself, especially if you are elderly or diabetic.
·        See a Podiatrist:You should see a podiatrist for your corns or calluses if; o   You have recurring corns or calluses dueto foot deformities or issues with your posture or gait. o  Painful corns are interfering with daily activity. o   You are elderly, diabetic or have poor circulation.

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