
Muscle And Joint Pain

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Muscle And Joint Pain
Solution Products Overview

Muscle and joint pain is a common health complaint, with symptoms that can be ascribed to a variety of medical conditions, from muscle strain to fibromyalgia.

The most commonly affected joints are of the lower limbs : Hip, knee and ankle. This is because these joints are flexible and have a wide range of movement. They also withstand a lot of stress and bear nearly all of your weight.

  • Muscle Cramps
  • Tired Achy Legs
  • Muscle tightness, weakness, wasting
  • Orthotics control excess pronation of the feet which will decrease internal rotation of the legs and the stretching on the leg muscles
  • Selective strengthening & stretches of lower limb muscles allow for better post-exercise mobility and ease of getting around
  • Reducing the period of activity/workout/sports
  • Faulty biomechanics leading to altered posture & gait
  • Overuse or underuse of muscles
  • Injury like fall, fracture, sprain, strain
  • Neurological issues : peripheral neuropathy, sciatica
  • Circulatory issues : varicose veins, DVT
  • Arthritis (septic or aseptic), fibromyalgia.
  • Repetitive strain injuries or high impact sports
  • Lifting a heavy object can give rise to muscle pain and
  • PRICE therapy – Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression & Elevation can help
  • Orthotics corrects the faulty biomechanics and reduces the stress on the muscle and joint structures
  • Selective strengthening & stretches of lower limb muscles allow for better post-exercise mobility and ease of getting around
  • Reducing the period of activity/workout/sports

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