Well, that is Metatarsalgia – Don’t take this lightly
Metatarsals are located on the base of the toes, connected to the metatarsal bones.
Wonder what strikes the metatarsalgia that is causing inflammation and pain?
Altered Gait, Posture and Biomechanics loading excessive self-body weight during running, dancing, and wearing high heels!
Sudden falls, trauma,foot irregularities and ill-fitting footwear can exacerbate the condition, and as the metatarsalgia becomes more painful and your mobility is threatened.
Other factors that increase the chances of acquiring metatarsalgia are such as high arches, deformities in the feet, hammertoes, and fat pad atrophy, arthritis and over weight.
The severity of discomfort may vary, but advanced cases can cause pain to extend to all of the toes.
You’re probably thinking, why me! But it can happen to anyone, as feet carry your weight and move your body around anywhere and everywhere through out your life.
So, why wait to develop metatarsalgia causing inflammation and pain?
All it takes is few minutes of exercise, while watching TV or reading, of rolling tennis ball under plantar surface (bottom of the feet) to stimulate and strengthen the facias, fat pads and soft tissues as part of daily biomechanics exercise.
What to do if you develop metatarsalgia?
Primary treatment is restoration of normal biomechanics, gait and posture releasing pressure in the symptomatic area
Use the proper footwear that has adequate space and provides a stable and structured environment for your feet
Refrain from wearing high heels as they can push your toes against the front of your shoes and aggravate metatarsalgia
Get plenty of rest
Apply cold pack on the inflamed and painful metatarsals
Take anti-inflammatories
Elevate your foot when you feel pain If overweight, reduce to healthier weight. That will reduce the pressure being placed on your metatarsal bones
Consult your podiatrist to discuss other methods of treatments if conservative methods discussed above are not helpful