Written by Dr.Titiksha Farooqui, Practitioner at Orthofit
Now a days ‘working out’ has lots of definitions. Some do it as a necessity, some as an interest & some as an everyday habit.
But what’s most important are the Pre & Post workout stretches, which actually enhances the performance of any workout & also prepares body for the next session.
What we observe today is very less time is spent on these workout stretches. In fact, stretches should be done thoroughly keeping in mind different areas of body.
A good stretch can prevent those aches & pains that may occur once the body is cooled down.Following are some Pre & Post workout stretches:
- Neck Movements: Neck movements include flexion (bending forward),extension (bending backwards), tilting to right side & left side and rotation.
Neck Movements- Arm & Shoulder Stretches:
Shoulder & Arm stretch:
- Trunk Rotation: Trunk rotation gently stretch the muscles of lower back & core, which helps in increasing flexibility and relieve painful pressure in the lower back.
Trunk Rotation- Calf Stretch: Keep your right leg forward, foot flat on the floor, and extend your left leg straight back, placing your heel flat on the floor. Don't bend your back knee. Lean into the wall until you feel the stretch in the calf of the straight leg.
Calf Stretch- Quadriceps stretch: Stand on your left leg, one knee touching the other. You can hold a chair or the wall to keep you steady if needed. Grab your right foot, using your right hand, and pull it towards your butt.
Quadriceps stretch- Hamstrings stretch: Sit on the floor with one leg out straight.Bend the other leg at the knee and position the sole of that foot against your opposite inner thigh. Extend your arms and reach forwardover the one straight leg by bending at the waist as far as possible.
Hamstrings stretch- Adductors stretch: Adductor stretches target the group of muscles on the inside of the thigh including the groin. Grasp feet with hands and bend from hips. Gently pull forward, elbows pushing outward.
With these workouts, muscle tightness can be prevented & different post workout aches & pains like Low Back Pain, Leg pain, etc. can be prevented. For more details conact 1800221674 or visit www.orthofit.in