When Do You Worry About Your Children’s Foot Condition?
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Children’s FEET are the FOUNDATION of their body and when this FOUNDATION is solid and healthy……….
Mountains can be conquered
Hurdles can be overcome
Mental toughness can be achieved
Physicalwell-being is enhanced
Parents are the major curators of this FOUNDATION by inculcating in their young minds,sense of values, discipline and dedication. Education is considered a vehicle that would drive them safely on the roads of success and hence excelling in academics is top priority.
But it is also important to find out whether this FOUNDATION is on a firm footing or not, so that the child achieves uninterrupted enhanced performance academically and in his professional career. Some issues in a child’s development begin before birth, so let’s take a look at some of the common child foot conditions that cause worry for some parents:
Clubfoot– This term actually refers to several foot abnormalities that are present at birth and cause a baby’s foot to be twisted inwards or outwards in an unusual shape.
Club Feet
Intoeing– Pigeon-toed or Intoeing is when a baby begins walking with toes point toward the center of the body.
Flexible flatfoot– A child is said to have flexible flatfoot when on standing, the arch of the foot disappears and reappears on sitting or when the child is on tiptoes or body weight is taken off the feet.
Flatfeet- It normally is a genetic condition, in which the feet arches are missing. This can affect walking, balance, and especially physical stability.
Flat Feet
Sever’s disease – It is an inflammation of the growth plate in the heel of growing children resulting in heel pain which is caused by repetitive stress to the heel and is thus particularly common in active children.
Sever's Disease
Bunions – You’ll be surprised to know children can also get bunions, formed from a structural misalignment of the big toe joint. The occurrence is high in children with flatfeet and as do girls.
Parents should also check the condition of the shoes regularly worn by kids to see if they have not worn out (Insoles & Outsoles) excessively in any particular area.
Worn out outsoles
Most times you don’t have to panic about your child’s foot condition but if your child does show symptoms mentioned above, it is recommended that you visit a footcare specialist or a podiatrist. When your children are in the growing age (approx. upto 16 to 18 years),the chances of having complete recovery is higher.